As data controller, Celeo Concesiones e Inversiones, S.L. (hereinafter, “CELEO“) makes available this Privacy Policy which apply to the processing of the personal data of visitors to the Website or any person who provides personal data through the different channels (hereinafter, the “User” or “Users“). In this context, Channel is any means available for Users to interact with CELEO (websites, apps, email, addresses or information lines, social media profiles, forms, events etc.). This Privacy Policy contains information relating to the processing of the personal data collected by CELEO during the course of its activities, pursuant to Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data (GDPR), and Spanish Organic Law 3/2018 of 5 December on data protection and guarantee of digital rights (Ley Orgánica 3/2018, de 5 de diciembre, de Protección de Datos y Garantía de los Derechos Digitales – LOPDGDD). CELEO integrates the regulations of the countries where its subsidiaries are located, adapting to the local legislation applicable in each case, so that this Privacy Policy is completed with the following Privacy Notices: Whenever personal data are collected and processed, CELEO will beforehand provide the User with the following information: the name of the data controller and its contact details, the purpose of the processing and the basis for the legitimacy thereof, the existence or not of international transfers, data storage periods and the rights of the Users in their capacity as data subjects.


  • Company name: Celeo Concesiones e Inversiones, S.L. (CELEO)
  • Tax ID (NIF ): B85697142
  • Legal address: Avenida General Perón, 38, Edificio Master’s I, Planta 14, 28020 Madrid, Spain
  • Company registration: Commercial Registry of Madrid, Volume 26,731, Page 75, Sheet M-481684, 1st registration.
  • Telephone: +34 91 770 31 17
  • E-mail:


CELEO processes personal data securely and transparently, based on the following principles:
  • Legality: CELEO processes personal data lawfully, faithfully and transparently.
  • Purpose and storage limitations: CELEO limits the collection of personal data to the purposes strictly relevant and necessary, and only retains the data for the time necessary.
  • Access and rectification: CELEO provides Users with the necessary means to access or rectify their data when they deem appropriate. CELEO takes reasonable measures to delete or update inaccurate data without delay.
  • Data security: CELEO applies the appropriate and proportional technical and organisational measures to ensure that the personal data is not compromised, such as through unauthorised disclosure or access, accidental or illegal destruction, accidental loss, alteration or any other form of illegal processing.
  • Third parties: Transfer and access to personal data by third parties is carried out in accordance with the applicable laws and regulations and with the appropriate contractual guarantees.


In general, CELEO collects and processes personal data in accordance with the purposes and legal basis detailed below:
  • Managing relationships with Users: CELEO processes the data of Users who provide their personal data in order to respond to applications and requests for information received through any of its channels, and to process suggestions, claims and complaints. The legal basis for the processing is User consent.
  • Recruitment processes: CELEO processes candidates’ data to manage recruitment processes based on the candidate’s consent.
  • Management of contractual or corporate relationships: CELEO processes the personal data of suppliers, landowners, representatives of legal entities or bodies (public or private), and other individuals, to manage contractual, corporate, commercial, or business relationships maintained with these parties. The legal basis for the processing of the data is the execution of the agreed contractual relationship and the legitimate interest linked to commercial and business relationships or, in the absence thereof, the consent declared by the data subject when providing their contact details.
  • Management of shareholder relationships: CELEO processes the personal data of its shareholders in compliance with its applicable legal and contractual obligations.
  • Transparency Channel Management: CELEO has a transparency channel through which any professional of CELEO, as well as any third party with a legitimate interest, directly or indirectly related to CELEO, can bring to the attention of the company’s Compliance Officer, confidentially, any type of non-compliance or suspicion of non-compliance, as well as to submit any doubts or queries. The legal basis for the processing is so that CELEO can properly process the reports and/or complaints it receives and resolve them with the utmost diligence, in accordance with the legislation in force.
Notwithstanding the above, CELEO may process personal data to comply with any legal, commercial, taxation, accounting and/or administrative obligation.


Users agree to provide truthful information when submitting their personal data and are solely responsible for any false or inaccurate declarations they make and for any harm caused to CELEO or third parties by the information provided. When sharing third-party data, Users declare that they have the consent of such third parties for CELEO to process their data and that they have informed these third parties of the contents of this Privacy Policy, holding CELEO and any of the companies of the Group harmless against any penalty or claim arising from the processing of such data.


CELEO may share your data with other companies within the Group. CELEO informs that some of its subsidiaries are based outside of the European Union, which may result in international data transfers. Consequently, CELEO adopts measures to ensure the proper processing of the personal data.


Users may exercise their rights of access to, rectification, erasure, portability, restriction of or objection to the processing of their personal data, and any other right established at any time in accordance with the legislation in force. To exercise any of these rights, Users must send an email to
with the subject line “Data protection” or write to the data controller’s registered address. Users’ must indicate the right they wish to exercise and properly identify themselves, providing a copy of their national identity document or similar to verify their identity. Users also have the right to lodge a claim with the Spanish Data Protection Agency (Agencia Española de Protección de Datos – or the corresponding supervisory authority if they consider that the processing is not in accordance with the law.


The Website may include links to other third-party websites and/or services not related to CELEO. This Privacy Policy does not apply in such cases. Users should review the privacy policies of such third parties before providing their personal information.


This Privacy Policy is published in Spanish, English and Portuguese. The versions in English and Portuguese are provided for information purposes only. In the event of a discrepancy between versions, the Spanish version shall prevail.


This Privacy Policy complements and does not replace any other existing requirement under the applicable data protection legislation, which will prevail in any case. CELEO may change the Privacy Policy at any time. CELEO recommends that Users check this Privacy Policy regularly. Last update: 07 January 2024

CELEO recommends reading all the legal information pages: Legal Notice, Privacy Policy y Cookies Policy.