Celeo energises three new projects in Chile, confirming its commitment to sustainable energy development

During the second half of 2024, Celeo completed the energisation of three key projects in Chile, with an investment of approximately 60 million dollars (around 55 million euros).

During the second half of 2024, Celeo completed the energisation of three new projects in Chile, confirming its commitment to the development of the national electricity system. These initiatives, involving an investment of approximately 60 million dollars (around 55 million euros), represent an important step towards improving the quality and efficiency of the electricity supply in different regions of the country.


In July 2024, the RETE project was connected to the National Electricity System (SEN). It comprised the installation of 200 MVAr static compensation equipment at the Maipo substation, located in the Metropolitan Region. This project increases the transmission capacity of the 500 kV system between the Ancoa and Alto Jahuel substations, thereby optimising the generation of hydroelectric power plants located to the south of Santiago. This avoids cost overruns and improves the quality of service throughout the Metropolitan Region, to the benefit of millions of users.


In August, the Codegua substation was energised in the Libertador Bernardo O’Higgins Region, which includes a 110/66 kV transformation with a capacity of 100 MVA. This new infrastructure notably improves the quality of the electricity supply in the communes of Rancagua, Graneros and San Francisco de Mostazal, while at the same time taking pressure off the region’s 154 kV and 66 kV systems, guaranteeing a more stable and efficient service.

In December, the energisation of the El Ruil substation, located in the municipality of Talca, in the Maule Region, was completed. This project, which has a 66/15 kV transformer and a capacity of 30 MVA, is designed to distribute the electricity supply in the western area of Talca, thereby ensuring a reliable service in the face of urban growth and an increase in the city’s demand for energy.


All these projects have been developed in accordance with high environmental standards, in particular compliance with regulations on noise and other possible effects on the environment. Celeo also implemented specific Community Relations Plans for each project, which strengthened the relationship with local communities and ensured the projects were carried out in a sustainable and environmentally friendly way.

These new infrastructures consolidate Celeo as a key player in the Chilean energy sector, and demonstrate its capacity to promote a sustainable and efficient energy model that contributes to the economic development and well-being of the communities in which it is present.